
Knowledge is power.

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a tiny person walks on a suspension bridge

The difference between “death” and a “good death”.

We provide an advantage when it comes to dying and the difference between “death” and a “good death”.

Death, Dying and Donuts

Death, Dying & Donuts is a must read. This book addresses all aspects of dying. Dr Colin shows us that dying is possible and he provides a roadmap for those who are dying so that they no longer have to fear death. While this book is primarily a resource for those who are dying, it is also of enormous benefit to those who care for the dying, for family members who have to understand the dying of a loved one and for health professionals who need to start the conversation about dying.

“It is only when we have passed the threat of death
that we really get to enjoy our donuts” – Dr Colin Dicks

Resources 1
DDD Book MOckup
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Resources 4

Survival Kit - Free Download

It’s never too early to start planning. With our aim to provide education and resources, Dying To Understand has developed a Survival Kit that helps you understand death and provides you with all the basics that you need to know about being on this journey.

Broken Body User Manual

Like old cars that break down, our bodies also break down in time. Having an expectation to go racing around when it is no longer possible is unkind and unwise. The broken body user manual is a handy resource to navigate the sharp bends and uncertain roads when our bodies are breaking or our brakes are failing.

This is not medical advice but rather a companion for when you seek medical advice.

This resource is almost ready and with some help should be available soon. Why not enjoy the preview, and let us know what you think.

Resources 1
Man launches model race car
Resources 1
Woman eating honey at home

Useful Links

We are building resources. These are our best resources today : we are building this for the end of life planning that you may need tomorrow. You can help by letting us know about amazing resources you think should be shared or by telling us what resources you need. Your contribution is priceless so please get in touch.

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As a registered charity, we provide death education so that people can plan for life and the end of life.

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