
It takes both sides to build a bridge.

Resources 1
Resources 2

Sometimes you need help to get from point A to point B

For many people it is impossible to consider death and dying.

We have made it possible by building a bridge across this gap of impossibility. Our resources are all you need to understand death. They are safe, easy to understand, humorous, light- hearted and not what you would expect. They can be used at your pace and are non-confrontational or threatening.

We invite you to make use of them and if you don’t like it, we will give you your money back*.

*Money Back Guarantee conditions:
The purchase must be from DyingtoUnderstand online purchase.
This is limited to Australia only.
You must have read the book and you must complete our survey.
Request a refund.

Death, Dying and Donuts

Death, Dying & Donuts is a must read. This book addresses all aspects of dying. Dr Colin shows us that dying is possible and he provides a roadmap for those who are dying so that they no longer have to fear death. While this book is primarily a resource for those who are dying, it is also of enormous benefit to those who care for the dying, for family members who have to understand the dying of a loved one and for health professionals who need to start the conversation about dying.

“It is only when we have passed the threat of death
that we really get to enjoy our donuts” – Dr Colin Dicks

Resources 1
Resources 4
Resources 1
Resources 6


The purpose of the workshop is to challenge your thinking and to get you to look at death differently.

We all have our blind spots and set views about things and when it comes to death, these can be obstacles. Our workshop will step you through the basics of death, why we die, why we don’t want to live forever and why it hurts so much when someone we love is dying.

Dying is hard work and we explain what needs to be done, so that when the day eventually arrives, it is not a chaotic mess but rather a peaceful event that ends well.

Our workshop comes with a complimentary copy of Death, dying and donuts

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Price (Inc. GST & Shipping): $30.00

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Price (Inc. GST & Shipping): $10.00

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As a registered charity, we provide death education so that people can plan for life and the end of life.