
For it is giving that we receive.

We provide help. We are also asking your help.

We support people who are dying.

Please consider supporting us.

If you think that we are adding value and doing something worthwhile, why not become involved?

YOU can help us by providing feedback or by supporting us financially.

In Australia all donations are tax deductable.

Granddaughter whispering in ears of smiling grandmother

Ask us

When it comes to dying there will always be more questions than answers. Please feel free to ask your questions and we will get back with our honest opinion.

Customer service review and feedback conceptual image

Tell us

How are we doing?
How are you doing?

You feedback is pure gold. The more you tell us about where “you are at” and where “we are at”, the better for us both and for those who follow.

Please share your thoughts with us.

Businessman GIving Money Donation Charity Concept

Help us

Can you help us financially?

Your donations are tax deductable* and will be used to promote education around death and dying.

Get in Touch

Contact Form
As a registered charity, we provide death education so that people can plan for life and the end of life.